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Natural Science

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why shouldn`t you swim in the ocean during a thunderstorm?
The water is an electrical conductor and you could get shocked if the lightning hits the water.
Name 3 machines that you use every day.
Bicycle, computer, elevator, metro, wheels on backpack, etc....
Batteries store _________________ energy.
Chemical energy
Electrical energy changes into ____________ energy.
Mechanical energy
Why do we coat electrical wires with rubber?
Rubber acts as an insulator and protects us.
Electrical energy changes into ________________ energy.
Light energy
Does this show safe behavior around electricity? Why or why not?
No, because the power socket is overloaded
True or False? NEVER use an electrical appliance near water.
Electrical energy changes into ___________ energy.
Thermal energy
What type of energy is produced by the sun?
Light energy, thermal energy
What type of energy is stored in food?
Chemical energy
What type of energy does this rollercoaster have?
Electrical energy, mechanical energy
What materials make good electrical insulators (electricity CANNOT flow through them)?
Wood, plastic, glass...
What materials make good electrical conductors (electricity CAN easily flow through them)?
Metal, water...
True or False? I can use the internet WITHOUT asking my parents for permission.
True or false? I SHOULD give my personal information (like my home address) to strangers on the internet.
What source of energy is powering this machine?
Wind energy
What source of energy is powering this machine?
Human energy
What source of energy is powering this machine?
Solar energy
Machines need ____________ to work!
What are 2 examples of complex machines?
Computer, sewing machine, construction equipment, etc....
What are 2 examples of simple machines?
Lever, pulley, wheel and axel, inclined plane, screw...