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Daniel Tiger WH Questions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is Daniel drinking tea?
Why is Daniel in pajamas?
Why is Daniel wearing mittens?
Why is Daniel washing his hands?
Why is Daniel putting sunglasses on?
Why is Daniel wearing glasses?
Where is Daniel and his family?
The beach
Where is Daniel?
The bathroom
Where are Daniel and his mom?
The kitchen
What is Daniel wearing?
What does Miss Elania see in her dreams?
Where are Daniel and his friends?
At School
What are Daniel and his dad doing?
Washing their hands
Where is Daniel?
The dentist
What is Daniel wearing?
A crown
Where is Daniel?
In the bath
Who is coloring a picture
Miss Elaina
When does Daniel go to sleep?
At night
Who is riding in the trolley?
Where is Daniel Tiger?
A birthday party
What is O the Owl looking at with his uncle?
When is Daniel sledding?
In winter