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Different forms of There+Be - MF3 - 3D

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I’m not sure but ... be another test by the end of the semester.
I’m not sure but THERE MAY/MIGHT be another test by the end of the semester.
She told me ... be no time to make another cake for the wedding.
She told me THERE WOULD be no time to make another cake for the wedding.
... be a car waiting for you at the airport.
THERE WILL be a car waiting for you at the airport.
... anybody at the party last Saturday? I wasn't able to go.
WAS THERE anybody at the party last Saturday? I wasn't able to go.
Have you checked that box yet? ... be some books in it.
Have you checked that box yet? THERE MAY/MIGHT be some books in it.
According to the weather forescast ... a lot of lightning and rain tomorrow .
According to the weather forescast, THERE IS GOING TO BE a lot of lightning and rain.
I'd like two aisle seats, please. ... two left?
I'd like two aisle seats, please. ARE THERE two left?
I was too tired yesterday.  ... two activities I could not do.
I was too tired yesterday. THERE WERE two activities I could not do.
If you told me that before, ... be no problem at all.
If you told me that before, THERE WOULD be no problem at all.
C'mon! ... a lot of fuss about it since last elections. Let's stop it, please.
C'mon! THERE HAS BEEN a lot of fuss about it since last elections. Let's stop it, please.
I can't believe it! ... any sugar here!
THERE ISN'T any sugar here!
... a great concert downtown tomorrow!
THERE WILL BE a great concert downtown tomorrow!