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My family

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Translate into English: le grand-père
the grandfather
Answer the question: Has Homer got a brother?
Yes, he has got a brother. His name is Herb.
Answer the question: Has Marge got brothers?
No, she hasn't got brothers. She has got two sisters. Their names are Patty and Selma.
Answer the question: Has Patty got children?
No, she hasn't got children.
Answer the question: Has Lisa got a sister?
Yes, she has got a sister. Her name is Maggie
How do you pronounce "the" before a vowel sound? Ex: The aunt
Translate into English: la tante/ l'oncle
the aunt/ the uncle
Translate into English: leurs enfants
their children
Translate into English: Son frère à lui
his brother
Fill in the grid:
I HAVE GOT --> I HAVEN'T GOT. He/she/it HAS GOT --> He/she/it HASN'T GOT. We/you/they HAVE GOT ---> We/you/they HAVEN'T GOT
Fill in the blanks: No, he __________________ a car!
No, he hasn't got a car!
Fill in the blanks: Matt and Katy _________________ a baby sister.
Matt and Katy have got a baby sister.
Fill in the blanks: _____________ Tom ______________ a sister?
Has Tom got a sister?
Fill in the blanks: I _____________ two dogs but I _______________ a cat
I have got two dogs but I haven't got a cat.
Answer the questions: Have you got brothers and sisters?
Yes, I have got a brother, a sister, two brothers, two sisters. No I haven't got brothers and sisters.
Translate into English: le prince Charles
Prince Charles. Rappel de la règle: quand on donne le nom après le titre de noblesse, on ne met pas d'article.
Translate into English: la reine d'Angleterre
the queen of England
Translate into English: la fille
the daughter
Translate into English: le fils
the son
Translate into English: le frère
the brother
Translate into English: le père
the father
What's 12 in English ? Spell it.
What's 14 in English ? Spell it.
What's 15 in English ? Spell it.
What's 13 in English ? Spell it.