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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is the gobern sistem of spain?
Constitutional monarchy
In which age Hernán Cortés went to Mexico?
what electrical component is found in all appliances?
Diodos or resitences
Who created the law of the conservation of the mater?
Antoine Lavoisier
What is the US series with most seasons
The Simpson
In which movie is it said "I am your father?
Star wars
Which is celebrated on December 9 in Spain?
Day of the Constitution
When is the international day of the afro-descendant?
31 of august
Who was the most famous person of the Generation of 98?
Miguel de Unamuno
Who is the prime minister of United Kingdom?
Boris Johnson
Where is the largest bullring in spain?
Plaza mayor de la Hispanidad in Medina del Campo
On what date was the second Spanish Republic proclaimed?
april 14, 1931
Who won the spanish league in 2021-2022 season?
Real Madrid
What politician said this sentence? “Puedo prometer y prometo”
Adolfo Suarez
Which empire won the battle of Lepanto?
Which is the most ancient city of spain?
Which country has this flag?
Which is the capital of Algeria?