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What Mountain is near Pompeii?
Mount Vesuvius
What is the name of the homes that the Romans lived in?
What Myths had Jack's teacher read to him?
She read about Hercules and Apollo.
What made Jack realize that the warriors were gladiators?
He saw that they were chained together.
What are the stores about Gods and Goddesses called today?
Why did the Romans go to the Public Baths?
They did not have bath tubs at home and they went to swim, play sports, and visit with friends.
Who did the kids see first - the soothsayer or gladiators?
The Soothsayer.
What is the center of a Roman town called?
A forum
Jack and Annie found Pompeii to be - nothing like home or a lot like home?
a lot like home - people were shopping, kids were laughing and the smell of the bakery
What did Annie think was weird first - no birds, the ground shaking, or the dried up stream?
The ground shaking.
Where are the children when the finally land in the tree house?
In her new clothes Annie compared herself to?
What did they get to help them blend in?
They were given white tunics with a belt and sandals that laced up.
What did Morgan Le Fay say could save the children in their darkest hour?
Only the ancient story can save you.
What was the name of the book given to Jack?
Life in Roman Times
What was the mission that the Master Librarians were being sent to do?
To locate a lost book in Ancient Rome.
Who is in the tree house?
Morgan le Fay
What happened in Annie's dream?
She dreamed that fires were burning.
Who are the main characters in the Magic Tree House Vacation Under the Volcano?
Jack and Annie