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Syllable Types

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many syllables is in the word - think? What is the syllable type?
One syllable - closed
What is the 1st syllable type in the word - bracelet?
Pronounce the word - ta. What syllable type is it?
open syllable
What syllable type is - shob? Pronounce the word.
closed syllable
What syllable type is the 2nd syllable in the word - solo?
so/lo - open syllable
What syllable type is the word - flute?
True or False: complete - has 3 syllables
True or False: An open syllable has a vowel at the end of it and the vowel is long
True or False: the word - eve - is an open syllable
How many syllables in - yogurt? Name each syllable type.
Two syllables: yo/gurt open/closed
Separate the word - vitamin - into syllables
True or False: A VCe syllable is vowel, consonant, silent e pattern
True and False: split and glass are both open syllables
Name the syllable types in the word - photo
Name the syllable type for - sho.
open syllable
The word - wide - is an open or VCe syllable?
How many syllables in the word - cobweb? Name the syllable type(s).
Two syllables: closed/closed
How many syllables in the word - volunteer? Name the syllable type(s).
Three syllables: vol/un/teer - closed/closed/vowel team
What syllable type is the word - faint?
Vowel Team
True or False - joom is a closed syllable
How many syllables in the word - suitable?
Three - suit/a/ble
Name the 1st syllable type and the 2nd syllable type in the word - rodent
ro/dent - open/closed
Name the syllable type for the 2nd syllable in - reptile
tile - VCe
Name the syllable type for the word - juicy
Vowel Team
True or False - the word fly is an open syllable