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Where were you ... ?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where were you on Monday?
I was at the bank on Monday.
Where were you this weekend?
I was at the temple this weekend.
Where were you this afternoon?
I was in the the parking lot this afternoon.
Where were you 30 minutes ago?
I was in class 30 minutes ago.
Where were you two days ago?
I was at the dentist two days ago.
Where were you last weekend?
I was at the gym last weekend.
Where were you on Sunday?
I was at PX mart on Sunday.
Where were you on Sunday?
 I was at the doctors on Sunday. 
Where were you last year?
I was in Canada last year.
Where were you two days ago?
I was at the store (supermarket) two days ago.
Where were you 3 months ago?
I was at the hospital three months ago.
Where did you go last year?
I went to Japan last year
Where were you yesterday?
I was at a tea shop (50 lan) yesterday.
What did you do on Sunday?
I climbed a tree on Sunday.
What did you do today?
I picked flowers today.
What did you do last Thursday?
I played football last Thursday.
Where were you yesterday?
I was in Taipei yesterday.
Where were you last Saturday?
I was at the zoo last Saturday.
Where were you last week?
I was at the beach last week.
Where were you two days ago?
I was at Xiao Bei 2 days ago.
Where were you last week?
I was at the bookstore last week. 
Where were you this morning?
I was on the bus this morning.
Where were you four days ago?
I was at the park four days ago.
What did you do yesterday?
 I washed my hands yesterday.