Edit Game
Review unit 3 - Pre-elementary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I often _____ ________ with Martin and his cousin. (spend time relaxing)
hang out
We used to be good friends, but we ______ _______ when she changed schools. (become less close)
grew apart
Where did you ______ ______? (live when you were a child)
grow up
When did he _____ all her hair _____? (remove)
cut off
It's a book about how to _____ ____ children. (raise)
bring up
My grandfather says, "Young people USED TO BE/ ALWAYS WERE more polite than they are now".
used to be
I didn't USE TO/HARDLY EVER like George, but now we're best friends
use to
My aunt doesn't USED TO/USUALLY celebrate their birthday, but I always phone her.
My sister and I ALWAYS USED TO WALK/WALKED ALWAYS home from school together when we were young.
always used to walk
Terry and his twin brother ALWAYS WEAR/USED TO WEAR the same clothes. They wear the same to work and at weekends.
always wear
Did you USED/USE TO be shy when you were a child?
use to
My parents USED TO GIVE/GAVE ME a bike on my eight birthday.
gave me
We OCCASIONALLY/USED TO had a big family party.
Complete with the correct sentence: As I ______(sit) in the grass, I ______(realise) I ________ (put on) odd socks.
was sitting; realised; had put on
Complete with the correct sentence: As soon as the doctor _____(show)me the X-ray, I _____(know) I _____(broke) my leg
showed; knew; had broken
Complete with the correct sentence: Today, near my house the wind _______(blow) a tree down and it ____(block) the street.
had blown; had blocked
Complete with the correct sentence: Yesterday in the morning, I _____(wake up) at 12:00 AM, I must had been so tired.
woke up
Complete with the correct sentence: I just founded out that my family and friends _________(plan) a surprise party for me!
had planned
Complete with the correct sentence: When I ____(get) home, everyone ______(wait) for me.
got; was waiting