Edit Game
Week 13 Vocabulary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She is the world ____________ for the third year in succession.
Annie, don't always _____________ this _____?
Don't always bring this up
The two naughty boys, Jack and Timothy just ________ as if nothing has happened.
carried on
Our life gets better and better not ____________, but by working hard.
by chance
In the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the 7 dwarfs are often seen working in a ____________ .
The prince, Glennure The Crazy, offered a ____________ watch and necklace to the princess, but the princess said NO THANKS.
There is a rich collection of ____________ in this show - some of which are very special indeed.
The museum has been heavily criticized over its acquisition of the four-million-dollar ____________ .
Ironically the man who was a world _______________ in wood chopping, loved trees.
In the New York exhibit, although an excellent catalogue and ______________ were available, the objects had no labels.
audio guides
You put on a pair of _________ and you get the same experience as with a great pair of speakers.
We wanted to know where the lockers were, so we went to the _________ to ask.
information desk t
She got on the elevator on the _____________ and pushed the button for the 35th.
ground floor
I live in a ______________ flat with a small garden which has flower borders on three sides.
Because of the big earthquake the ___________ could not operate so we had to walk down the 20 floors.
Finally, we reach the ___________ to the gate, where two big doors swing open to let us in.
My aunty didn’t feel too well at the theater, so she went out to get some fresh air. She left the theater through the rear ___________ .
The ___________ at the museum is open until 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.
ticket office
There are rows of metal ___________ along the walls at school, where students can put their belongings.
Sometimes it's quicker to use the ___________ than to wait for the elevator.
The very young infants' classrooms were on the ground floor, those for older infants were on the ____________.
first floor
Luke walked over to the _______________to ask for a leaflet with a map of the museum.
information desk
I sloshed along the shore listening to Mozart on my new _____________________. .
The tours are guided but you get an ___________ in your language of choice.
audio guide
Everyone cheered for the _______________ as she finished the race in first place.
This amazing artist can carve ____________ out of blocks of marble.
We went to see the __________ of ancient Egyptian art at the museum.
Mr. Graham was amazed to find 42 ancient _______ coins inside the pot.
Working underground in a _________ can be a very dangerous job. It is one of the most lethal jobs.
to continue to do or go on as before.
carry on
Without plan; accidentally:
by chance
without fail; of course; absolutely, certainly (granting a permission)
by all means
to start to talk about a particular subject
bring up
a deep hole or area of holes made in the earth. Minerals such as gold, coal, or precious stones are dug out of them
a soft, heavy, yellow metal that is one of the chemical elements. It is often combined with other metals to make it harder and stronger.
a collection of things that are shown or on display for many people to look at.
exhibits - 展示品
the art or craft of making statues or other objects by carving, chiseling, or molding.
a person or animal that has taken first place in a contest or game; winner.
A handheld device which provides recorded information for visitors touring a museum, gallery, or other place of interest.
audio guide
a sound receiver for a radio or stereo system that is held over one or both ears by a band; earphones.
A counter where people may obtain information, typically in a public building such as an airport, library, or hospital.
information desk
in American English, the ground floor. In British English, the floor above the ground floor.
first floor
the floor of a building closest to ground level; first floor.
ground floor
a set of steps in or attached to a building that allow one to go from one floor or level to another.
a chest or cabinet that can be locked.
an office of a transportation company, theatrical or entertainment enterprise, or ticket agency where tickets are sold and reservations made.
ticket office
a way out
a doorway or other place through which one enters.
British for elevator (U.S) a platform or a small room used to raise and lower.
a lift