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This event is three sports rolled into one - Swimming, biking and running. (Hint: The name comes from a word meaning "three": Tri-???)
In this sport, athletes hit a ball back and forth over a net.
This sport requires athletes to stand on a board, as waves come in.
Coming soon, to an Olympics near you! This new sport involves making your way up a rock wall. Don't look down!
Coming soon to an Olympics near you! It's a board. With wheels. At the Olympics, two competition categories are recognized: Park and Street. This sport was supposed to be introduced in the 2020 Olympics.
This sport involves boats powered by the wind.
Don't be fooled! While this may *look* like American Football, it isn't - This sport, which requires much less protective gear than American Football, involves running an eye-shaped ball down a field.
This sport requires a surprising amount of teamwork, as a group rows their boat as fast as they can!
To succeed at this sport, you have to excel at five different sports - Swimming, fencing, horseback riding, shooting and running. (Hint: The name starts with the Greek word for five: Pente)
While we usually think of this as a winter sport, the summer Olympics include a floor version of this game. (Do you think the Sabers could compete?)
Floor Hockey
In this sport, athletes can compete in a number of different events: Floor, Uneven parallel bars, balance beam, and others!
In this sport, athletes use a "club" to hit a small, white ball. The goal is to get the ball into the small cup or hole at the end of the course with as few "strokes" as possible. (Hint: FORE!!!)
In this sport, two teams try to use only their feet to score goals with a ball. (Hint: In the United States we call this soccer, but elsewhere in the world, it goes by this name.)
This sport started with sword fighting. Today this is a much safer sport. Competitors can wield a foil, epee or saber, and score points by hitting their opponents.
In this sport, competitors must work with their horses to accomplish different tasks. Different categories include dressage (or, fancy stepping) and jumping.
Equestrian (Horseback riding)
This sport involves jumping into the water from up high!
This sport involves jumping into the water from up high!
This sport has four different types of races - BMX, Road, Track and Mountain. Who can ride the fastest?
Cycling (or biking)
This sport has four different types of races - BMX, Road, Track and Mountain. Who can ride the fastest?
Cycling (or biking)
This water sport includes different boat competitions, include a sprint and slalom race. Who can paddle through the fastest? (Hint: These boats have a reputation for being a bit tippy!)
This sport involves two people competing against each other in a "ring" during "rounds." Competitors are divided into different classes by weight.
This sport comes in two Olympic varieties - one indoor, and one on a beach. The goal is hit the ball over a net. You score when your opponent fails to return the ball.
In this sport, you score by putting a ball through a hoop. It takes its name from the fruit baskets that were used before hoops were invented!
This sport, which uses a bat to hit a ball while players run around bases, has different names for men's and women's competitions.
Baseball OR Softball
This sport uses a racket to hit a "Birdie" over a net.
This team swimming competition requires a lot of coordination. (Hint: Ms. Claire told us about it earlier this week!)
Artistic Swimming
This sport uses a bow and arrow to hit a target.