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The Progressive Era

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Why was the Federal Reserve System created?
to gain trust back to the bank
What did the sixteenth amendment do?
it created a federal income tax
What was the Clayton Antitrust Act?
it says that a company could not buy other companie's stock if it would create a monopoly
What did Eugene Debs want to do?
end capitalism
Who won the election of 1912?
Woodrow Wilson
The progressive party was also known as the?
Bull Moose Party
Who was Richard A. Ballinger?
he was the Secretary of the Interior
T/F Richard A. Ballinger removed 2 million acres of land for mining
How many trusts did Taft get rid of during his presidency?
T/F Taft was handpicked by Roosevelt to become the president
Who was William Howard Taft?
the 26th president of the US
What does NAACP stand for?
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Who was W.E.B. DuBois?
He founded the NAACP in 1909
What did the Newlands Act do?
it gave power to the federal government to control the water in the West
How many wildlife sanctuaries did Roosevelt create?
more than 50
What did John Muir do?
He convinced Roosevelt to set aside 148 million acres of forest aside
What did the Pure Food and Drug Act do?
it stopped people from selling bad food/medicine. It also had companies put the ingredients n the container.
What year was the Meat Inspection Act made?
What was the name of the act that created requirements for the cleanliness for meat to be sold?
Meat Inspection Act
What book made Roosevelt investigate the meatpacking industry?
"The Jungle"
What did the Elkins Act do?
it prevented railroads officials from giving rebates for shipping
What year was the Elkins Act passed?
How many anti-trust suits were filed by Teddy Roosevelt during his presidency?
What was a bad trust?
a trust that only for the benefit of one business (greedy)
In 1900 trusts controlled how much of the industries in the US?