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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the furniture in your last design you did
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? : I don't have to wear a uniform / I mustn't wear a uniform
не потрібно, але можна / заборонено
IS IT CORRECT?: My mom usually meet her friends on weekends
IS IT CORRECT? : Children never like them teachers
TRANSLATE: Він подзвонив мені.
He called me
Choose any holiday and say what you typically do on it
TRANSLATE: Була рада з вами поспілкуватися, зустрінемося через тиждень
I was happy/glad to talk to/speak with you, see you in a week
FINISH A SENTENCE: I typically post _______ on Instagram.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE: I'm in the office / I'm at the office
be in a building / work in a building
TRANSLATE: Можна я відкрию вікно в цій кімнаті?
Can I / May I
TRANSLATE: Вам варто поговорити з вашим чоловіком про це.
Which is more polite: CAN or COULD? Give examples
Translate: Я не можу сьогодні зустрітися з вами, мені потрібно працювати
I can't meet you today, I have to work
What is it?
Is it correct? : I like have a takeout at Italian restaurant
What is it?
marble table