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  • Ultimately we don't............................. and the government decides how to spend the money.
    hold the purse strings
  • Say  words ending in -ify
    signify, modify, verify, codify, pruify, notify, classify.
  • 'By means' means ...
    by using
    by doing
  • Complete the trio: funny - ? - ?
    hilarious & humorous
  • To spend a lot of money unnecessarily >>>
    To spend money like air
    To spend money like water
  • I'll sell you my bike but you have to pay me in .....................
    hard cash
  • Investing in renewable energy ..................... in the long term
    pay for itself
    pays for itself
  • Complete the trio: wonderful - ? - ?
    awesome - splendid
  • Synonym of unpleasantly hard and demanding (ending in h & has 5 letters)
  • Reducing fuel consumption, even by a few litres a week, can ........................
    pay dividends.
    give dividends.
  • Say a synonym of rich starting with w...
  • Say 5 words ending in -hood
    Brotherhood, fatherhood, motherhood, neighbourhood, likelihood.
  • I'm writing to you ............ r_____d ........... /.... the s_____  ........ your recent enquiry.
    with regard to = on the subject of
  • Control how many is spent >>>
    Hold the purse strings
    Hold the notes
  • These remarkable sounds were produced ....... means ..... magnetic waves.
    by means of
  • If you smoke, sooner or later, you'll ....................
    pay the price
  • Pay my way means....
    split the bill
  • The dancer's flawless performance .................. (fascinated-hypnotised) the audience.
  • Money in the form of notes and coins as opposed to a cheque or a credit card.
    hard cash
  • Synonyms of complicated?
    complex, sophisticated
    complex, sophisticating
  • Synonym of due to?
    on account of/because of
  • Synonym of representing?
    On behalf of
  • It's time for the mayor to ............................ and increase funding for schools.
    put his money where his mouth is
    put his money where his eye is
  • Complete the trio: terrible - ? - ?
    appalling - disastrous
  • Two synonyms of muddled
    chaotic & confused
  • ....................  my colleagues, I'd like to say that we're delighted with the new acquisition.
    On behalf of
  • We can afford to buy that car, it really won't ...............................
    break the credit
    break the bank
  • Complete the trio: interesting - ? - ?
    gripping & absorbing
  • Complete the trio: beautiful - ? - ?
    stunning & gorgeous
  • Fifty euros for that piece of junk? What a ......
  • They were willing to ..............................for that car.
    pay through the mouth
    pay through the nose
  • We worked 3 hours daily ..................... meals and accommodation. (get sth back)
    in return for/in exchange for
  • I'd like a new bike, but I have to think about it - .....................................
    money doesn't grow in trees
    money doesn't grow on trees
  • They played poker all night and .......................... (neither lost nor won money)
    break even
    broke even
  • Say 5 words ending in -ful
    careful, harmful, successful, beautiful, thoughtful, meaningful, delightful, respectful, purposeful
  • Complete the trio: believable - ? - ?
    convincing - plausible
  • Say 8 words ending in -less
    harmless, selfless, careless, endless, fearless, helpless, homeless, doubtless
  • Two synonyms of staggering?
    surprising & unpredictable
  • Meaning of 'in aid of'?
    in order to do
    in order to help
  • Say 8 verbs ending in -en
    Shorten, thicken, lengthen, broaden, widen, harden, weaken, tighten, threaten.
  • Synonym of 'in exchange of'?
    In return for
    In return of