
Spot the Social Cue

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  • You sit by a new group of peers at lunch. When you sit down, they scoot further away from you and are not facing you when they are talking. What are the social cue and what is it telling you?
    Moving away from you, turned away from you when talking. They don't want me to sit there/join in the conversation.
  • You are talking to your best friend in the hallway. You stand really close to him/her so you can talk. He/she makes a funny face and takes a step back. What are the social cues and what do they mean?
    Funny look and backing away. You standing so close is making your friend uncomfortable.
  • During gym class, your shot missed the basket. You yelled a swear word. Your teacher made this face. What is the social cue and what is it telling you?
    The look on your teacher's face tells you that you probably should not have said that word.
  • What social cue is the woman in the glasses sending and what message is it sending to the speaker?
    She looks bored and is not listening
  • Your teacher is lecturing about your math test. She sees you yawning and steps closer to your desk and repeats herself. What social cue did your teacher see and what did it tell her?
    You yawned, and she assumed that you weren't listening or focused.
  • You walk in to your math class and hear a group of friends talking and laughing. When you get closer, they all stop talking immediately. What is the social cue and what is it telling you?
    stopped talking when you came over. They don't want you to hear what they were saying.