
Finish the Sentence

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  • Right now is the perfect time to...
    ? ?
  • I laugh when....
    ? ?
  • I can't believe I actually..... when I was younger.
  • In an ideal world......
    ? ?
  • If I could be anywhere right now, I would be...
    ? ?
  •  I really like to ....
    ? ?
  • I'm thankful for...
    ? ?
  • One of my best traits is...
    ? ? ?
  • If knew everything for a day I would....!
    ? ?
  • It's important not to....
    ? ?
  • I will never forget the day when....
    ? ?
  • I work best when....
    ? ?
  • The world would be a better place if....
    ? ?
  • If I could teleport people, I would teleport.....
    ? ?
  • I think we all can...
    ? ?
  • Today I learned how to...
    ? ?
  • You would never believe me if I told you.....
    ? ?
  • I am most proud of...
    ? ?
  • If I could live in another time, I would choose...
    ? ?
  • I know a lot about...
    ? ?
  • Sometimes I'm quite....
    ? ?
  • I get frustrated when...
    ? ?
  • When I'm alone, I like to....
    ? ?
  • I admire people who....
    ? ?
  • The one thing I will never regret is...
    ? ?
  • If i'm making dinner, you're eating...!
    ? ?
  • I'm fascinated by...
    ? ?
  • I'd love to know more about.....
    ? ?
  • Have I told you.....?
    ? ?
  • From time to time it's good to...
    ? ?
  • When I have a day all to myself, I...
    ? ?
  • I'd love to know more about...
    ? ?
  • On vacation, I will...
    ? ?
  • The food I could eat every day is...
    ? ?
  • I love it when....
    ? ?
  • I'm in love with....
    ? ?
  • Something that makes me happy is...
    ? ?
  • I can't be without.....
    ? ?
  • I really hope that....
    ? ?