
Problem Solving / Game ?

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  • There is a student that is mean to your during class. He pushed you. What are two things you can do?
    You can tell him to stop pushing you and keep his hands to himself. You can tell your teacher or staff.
  • You waited a long time after school and your mom has not picked you up still. What are two things you can do?
    You can go to the front office. You can call your parents.
  • Your teacher was working at her desk. You wanted to ask her a question, but she didn't see your hand raised. What are two things you should you do?
    You can say your teachers name out load, and say you need help. If it is okay with your teacher to get up then you can walk up to their desk and ask for help.
  • You need a break from class because you are frustrated. What are two things you can do ?
    You can ask your teacher if you can have a break. You can ask if you can step outside or put your head down.
  • Name 2 shows you watch. Why do you like them ?
  • If someone grabs your arm without your permission. What can you do?
    Tell them to please not touch you.
  • You do not understand your classwork. What are two things you can do?
    Ask a staff or teacher.Ask your classmate at appropriate time.
  • You finish soccer practice and need to change but you can not find your shoes. Name two things can you do ?
    Ask your friends if they have seen your shoes. Check in the last place you saw them. Search the locker room.
  • Name 3 games you enjoy playing.
  • Share what you are going to do this weekend or what you like to do.
  • The person sitting behind you keeps tapping your chair with his foot. What are two things can you do?
    Ask the person to please stop. Ask the teacher if you can move seats.
  • You didnt get a chance to finish your homework last night. What can you do?
    Ask your teacher if you can turn it in another day. Ask if you can work on it during free time.
  • You are taking a test and a student next to you is trying to talk to you. What are two things you can do?
    Raise your hand and asked to be moved somewhere quieter. Use gestures to indicate you would like to not talk/focus on test.
  • Your friend is standing way to close to you. What can you do ? Think of two solutions.
    1. Ask them if they can please step back . 2. You can move yourself.
  • Your friend is crying and upset during lunch. What two things can you do ?
    Are you OK? How can I help?
  • You misplaced your lunch that you brought from home during school. What are two things you can do or say to someone?
    You can go get lunch in the cafeteria. You can ask your parents to bring lunch.