
prefer / would rather

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  • I / texting / prefer / speaking / to / the phone / on .
    I prefer texting to speaking on the phone.
  • London / rather / than / visit / Paris / He’d
    He’d rather visit London than Paris.
  • coffee / drinking / to / I / prefer / tea
    I prefer drinking tea to coffee.
  • That / speak / girl / to write / prefers / rather than
    That girl prefers to write rather than speak.
  • He / playing it / watching / prefers / baseball / to
    He prefers watching baseball to playing it.
  • to a restaurant / you / rather / Would / to the cinema / go / or ?
    Would you rather go to the cinema or to a restaurant?
  • We / flying / to / going / prefer / by ferry
    We prefer going by ferry to flying.
  • would / I / now / go / rather
    I would rather go now.
  • prefers / books / She / to / magazines
    She prefers books to magazines.
  • tonight / We’d / not / go / rather / to the cinema
    We’d rather not go to the cinema tonight.
  • go home / than / Gio / stay / would / in my house / rather
    Gio would rather stay in my house than go home.
  • I / a bird / rather be / a dolphin / would / than
    I would rather be a bird than a dolphin