
A0 Unit 9A Present Continuous

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  • (he/do?) (he/study/Spanish)
    What's he doing? - He's studying Spanish.
  • (she/do?) (she/relax)
    What's she doing? - She's relaxing.
  • (you/do?) (I/have/a shower)
    What are you doing? - I'm having a shower.
  • Colin ('m/'s/'re) driving to work.
    Colin's driving to work.
  • Pam ('m/'s/'re) wearing a hat.
    Pam's wearing a hat.
  • Are Suzanne and Tracy cooking dinner? (yes)
    Yes, they are.
  • he/not/cook
    He isn't cooking.
  • Carlos and Manuel/not shop
    Carlos and Manuel aren't shopping.
  • (you/do?) (I/shop)
    What are you doing? - I'm shopping.
  • We/not study English.
    We aren't studying English.
  • We ('m/'s/'re) having lunch
    We're having lunch.
  • Am I talking on the phone? (no)
    No, you aren't.
  • You ('m/'s/'re) working late.
    You're working late.
  • (they/do?) (they/have/a party)
    What are they doing? - They are having a party.
  • Is Joanne Watching TV? (no)
    No, she isn't.
  • (you/do?) (I/do/my homework)
    What are you doing? - I'm doing my homework.
  • (you/do?) (I/make/lunch)
    What are you doing? - I'm making lunch.
  • Tony and I/not ride a bike
    Tony and I aren't riding a bike.
  • Is Stacey eating a pizza? (yes)
    Yes,she is.
  • I ('m/'s/'re) walking to the station.
    I'm walking to the station.
  • Lisa/not fly
    Lisa isn't flying.
  • I/not wake up
    I'm not waking up.
  • (she/do?) (she/listen/to music)
    What's she doing? - She's listening to music.
  • We ('m/'s/'re) going shopping now.
    We're going shopping now.
  • (they/do?) (they/watch/footbal)
    What are they doing? - They're watching football.
  • You and Janine/not watch TV.
    You and Janine aren't watching TV.
  • You/not make yur bed.
    You aren't making your bed.