
Advertising game

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  • Speak for 1 minute about whether advertising benefits consumers or companies more.
  • Think of 3 potential new slogans for a new burger fast food chain.
  • What is the name of the largest online store in the world?
  • Do you think animal testing is ethical? Why or why not?
  • Design a new logo in your notebook for Google. Yes, right now!
  • Name 3 different places that you can see adverts.
    Billboards, Posters, Social Media, Commercials, etc.
  • Talk for 1 minute about the goals and purpose of advertising.
  • Name 5 fashion companies.
  • What audience is it for?
  • Advertise this item!
  • What's the name of the phenomenon of products or logos being shown in a movie or on tv?
    Product Placement
  • Advertise this item!
  • Advertise this item!
  • Speak for 1 minute. Would you advertise for a clothing brand that was known to dump clothing waste into the oceans if they gave you a million dollars every year to advertise them on your social media?
  • Do you think there is a lack of diversity in advertising? Is it improving? What are the effects of lack of diversity?
  • Advertise this item!
  • Name 5 different Fast-Food chains.