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  • What is the distance between Morocco and Vietnam?
    11,273 Km (97,004 M)
  • In which Islamic month do Moroccans and Muslim in the world fast?
  • What touristic attractions can you visit when you come to Rabat?
    Hassan Tower - Challah - Loudaya - Marina -
  • In what city is the most ancient university in the world located?
    Karawyin University in Fez
  • What is the blue city of Morocco?
  • What was the Moroccan city of Salé famous for long time ago?
  • Guess what do the colours in the Moroccan flag refer to?
    Green star: Throne - Red: Blood of Warriors
  • What is special about Friday in Morocco?
    Most Moroccans eat Couscous
  • How many times has the national team of Morocco won the African Cup of Nations?
    Once - 1976
  • What is the population of Morocco?
    36 M - 2019
  • What is the native language of Most Moroccans?
    Darija (Moroccan Arabic)