
After school

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  • What _____ she do after school?
    She listenS to music. She DOESN'T play board games.
  • What ______ Kai do after school?
    He RIDES a bike. He DOESN'T go swimming.
  • What _______ he do after school?
    He PLAYS table tennis. He DOESN'T read comics.
  • What _______ you do after school?
    I READ comic books. I DON'T watch TV.
  • What ______ Tony do after school?
    He WATCHES TV with my family. He DOESN'T do homework.
  • What _____ they do after school?
    They MAKE cookies. They DON'T watch TV.
  • What _______ he do after school?
    He WATERS the plants. He DOESN'T practice the guitar.
  • What ______ Straw do after school?
    She PLAYS the piano. She DOESN'T play football.
  • What _______ they do after school?
    They PRACTICE the guitar. They DON'T do homework.
  • What ______ Jackie do after school?
    He DOES homework. He DOESN'T paint a picture.