
Think 1 Unit 4

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  • Hey, what are ____ dong, Henry? That's ____ sandwich. It's not _____!
    you - my - yours
  • Rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns: Is that her house?
    Is that house hers?
  • Who's/Whose your favourite band?
  • Rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns: Is this your dog?
    Is this dog yours?
  • Rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns: Is this my sandwich?
    Is this sandwich mine?
  • Rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns: Are these your jeans?
    Are these jeans yours?
  • Can you check who's/whose at the door?
  • Our teacher/teacher's son is a doctor.
  • Rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns: Are these our books?
    Are these books ours.
  • Who/Whose do you sit to next to Maths?
  • I really like ____ jacket, Bob. It looks really good on ____.
    your - you
  • Do you know the Richard twins? _____ live next to Sally. In fact she lives at number 9 and ____ house is number 11.
    They - their
  • _____ isn't ______. It's Kev's He lent it to _____. I've got to give it back to ____ later.
    It - mine - me - him
  • A: I'm sure that's Liam's dog over there. So where is ____? He never goes anywhere without ___ dog. B: It's not _____. Liam's dog is black and that one is brown.
    he - his - his
  • Yes, I know Sally. My sister is a good friend of _____. She's a friend of mine, too.
  • A: _____ is this camera? B: Let's ask Joseph. I think it's ____. Or talk to Rebecca. Maybe it's ____.
    Whose - his - hers
  • Who's/Whose car is this?
  • Rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns: Is that his car?
    Is that car his?
  • Who's/Whose are these books?
  • Is it Sam/Sam's bike?