
Earthquake Review-Week 2

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  • What is a tsunami?
    Tsunami is a huge sea wave.
  • The edges of plates are called _________ . These edges can rub together, push toward each other, or pull away from each other.
  • It is when soil and mud slide down slopes. The soil and mud can cover towns and crops.
  • What are the three types of Earth's plates movement?
    rubbing together, towards each other, away from each other
  • The Earth’s _______ are always moving. They move so slowly that we usually can’t feel it.
  • The location on the surface of the Earth directly above where the earthquake starts.
  • You're inside your home when the shaking starts. Where do you go? A. Run outside B. The garage C. The kitchen D. Away from bookshelves and loose items.
    Away from bookshelves and loose items.
  • Strong earthquakes can ruin tall buildings and destroy roads and houses. Is it true or false?
  • What is a large ocean wave that results from an underwater earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption?
  • _____________ is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  • What does the word "quake" mean?
  • What causes a tsunami?
    A tsunami happens when there is an earthquake or volcanic eruption under the sea.
  • What are the layers of the earth?
    Crust, Mantle, Outer Core and Inner Core
  • When earthquake is happening, go to the nearest building and stay there until the shaking stops. Is it true of false?
  • The place in the crust of the Earth where the earthquake originates is known as ___________. A. Focus B. Mantle C. Core
    A. Focus