
A healthy, happy mouth

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  • What is "floss"?
    clean between your teeth using dental floss:
  • How often should you floss your teeth?
  • What does sugar do to your teeth?
    eat away at your teeth
  • What is "eat away at"?
    destroy slowly
  • Why should you floss your teeth everday?
    flossing can get stuck food out
  • Why do we have to eat foods like cheese, yogurt and tofu?
    they contain lots of calcium.
  • What is "cavity"?
    a hole
  • What is "enamel"?
    the hard, white, shiny substance that forms the covering of a tooth
  • What is "strengthen"?
    make something strong
  • What is "gum"?
    either of the two areas of firm pink flesh inside the mouth that cover the bones into which the teeth are fixed
  • What is "contain"?
    have something inside
  • Why should you avoid eating to have healthy teeth?
    sugary foods
  • How should you brush your teeth?
    in a small circle