
Test 4 Vocab Review

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  • incredible
    really amazing; difficult to believe
  • rope
    very thick, strong string that is used for tying, for lifting heavy things, etc.
  • steady
    not changing; staying the same way
  • climate
    the normal weather that a place has
  • recognize
    to know or identify from past experience or knowledge
  • excavate
    to carefully dig and uncover something from the past
  • considerably
    a lot, much
  • historian
    a person who studies history
  • rural
    relating to the countryside
  • suit
    to match someone's tastes; to be acceptable
  • stick
    v. to push an object with a pointed end into something
  • steeple
    a tall tower on the roof of a church building
  • subtle
    not obvious; not easy to notice
  • brilliant
    very intelligent; clever
  • clasp
    to hold tightly
  • factor
    something that causes or influences a result
  • peasant
    a member of the lower-class, often a farmer
  • severe
    extremely strong; serious
  • distinguish
    to tell the difference between two things
  • mysterious
    adj. that nobody can understand or explain
  • distinct
    separate; clearly not the same
  • whistle
    a tube that makes a very loud, high sound when air blows through it
  • archaeologist
    a person who studies historic or prehistoric things or people
  • evidence
    facts that make you believe something is true
  • ancient
    very, very old
  • acceptable
    If you think something is __________, you agree that it is ok
  • absolutely
    totally; completely
  • investigation
    n. something done to try to find out what happened
  • binoculars
    an object that you hold in front of your eyes to see things far away
  • south
    the direction towards the bottom of the map
  • advise
    v. if you ___________ someone, you tell them what you think they should do
  • matches
    a small, thin piece of wood with s colored end, which you use for making fire
  • west
    the direction to the left of the map
  • dock
    to land a boat in a harbor
  • harden
    to become solid or firm, or to make something solid or firm
  • pray
    to talk to god; to ask for something
  • option
    one of several things you can choose from
  • personality
    the way a person behaves; a persons character