
The Little Princess

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  • What colour is Sara's dress when she first arrives at Miss Minchin's school?
  • Mr Randolf who lives next to Sara has a different name in the book. What is his name?
    Mr Carrisford
  • What does Sara give to Becky as a present? Tell me the object and the colour.
    Yellow shoes
  • Where is Sara's new room when she becomes a servant?
    In the attic
  • What does Sara give to a poor girl in the market?
  • What colour are the girls uniforms?
  • Which character is in the book but NOT in the movie?
    Mr Carrington (the lawyer)
  • How do Sara and her father go to New York from India?
    By boat
  • In the first scene of the movie, where is Sara?
  • What does Amelia try to eat in the kitchen?
    Apple pie
  • A poor family in the market give Sara a present. What is it?
    A yellow flower
  • Who is Rama?
    The blue prince in Sara's stories
  • What does Miss Minchin forget when she goes for a walk?
    Her glove
  • Who is Mr Randolf?
    The man who lives next door to Miss Minchin's school
  • Name 3 of Sara's classmates
    Emengarde, Lottie and Lavinia
  • Why does Sara's dad leave Sara in Miss Minchin's school?
    He has to go to war.
  • What are the colours of the balloons at Sara's birthday party? (three)
    Black, white and green
  • What trick do Sara and Becky play on Miss Minchin?
    They pour soot down the chimney
  • Why is Lottie screaming?
    She misses her mum
  • Why doesn't Sara's father remember her at the end of the film?
    He has amnesia
  • What is the name of Miss Minchin's sister?
  • How does Sara calm down Lottie when she is screaming?
    She tells her a story about angels
  • Who is Amelia in love with?
  • What colour is Sara's birthday cake?
  • What animal is Ram Dass's pet?
    A monkey
  • What do Emengarde and her friends rescue for Sara?
    Her locket
  • Why is Emily special?
    She is a magic doll
  • Tell me 3 differences between the film and the book
  • What is the name of the Indian gentleman who lives next door to Sarah?
    Ram Dass
  • Complete the phrase "All girls...
    ....are princesses"