
Prevocalic /r/

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  • request
    I made a request.
  • raft
    He went rafting.
  • rescue
    I am coming to the rescue.
  • road
    The road is bumpy.
  • relief
    It was such a relief.
  • right
    She made the right choice.
  • roll
    The dog rolled in the mud.
  • rip
    She ripped the paper.
  • Rachel
    Rachel is my friend.
  • robot
    The robot cleans the house.
  • ready
    I am ready to learn.
  • raspberry
    He loves raspberries.
  • rooster
    The rooster is loud.
  • receive
    I received a package from Amazon.
  • rode
    He rode his scooter to school.
  • reach
    Reach for the stars!!
  • Randy
    Randy likes to play baseball.
  • root
    The roots are growing.
  • rabbit
    The rabbit likes to eat carrots.
  • record
    I like to record music.
  • razor
    The razor is sharp.
  • radio
    Turn up the radio.
  • red
    I am going to wear red.
  • ranch
    I live on the ranch.
  • room
    Clean your room.
  • radish
    I do not like radishes.
  • robin
    The robin is eating a worm. I hear a robin.
  • ride
    I like to ride my bike.
  • rocket
    The rocket is ready for take off.
  • wrap
    I wrap a present.
  • rock
    The rock is falling.
  • race
    They raced across the playground.
  • referee
    The referee stopped the game.
  • ripe
    The fruit is ripe.
  • rain
    It is raining today.
  • rodeo
    I went to the Rodeo.
  • river
    Jump across the river.
  • rainbow
    I see a Rainbow. The Rainbow is hiding behind a cloud.
  • raccoon
    The raccoon is in the garbage.
  • rhyme
    The Cat in the Hat is a rhyme.