
A Series of Unforunate Events - Chapter 5.

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  • Who would buy a castle and live in it with armed guards if their parents' money could be used now?
  • What was Mr. Poe's desk covered in?
    In typed papers that looked important and boring.
  • What does Latin term "in loco parentis" mean?
    Acting in the role of parent.
  • Where would Klaus rather live than in Count Olaf's house?
    He would rather live on the streets.
  • By immersing in reading, The Baudelaires felt as if they had escaped. Was it a figurative or literal escape?
    A figurative escape.
  • Who led the kids to Mr. Poe?
    A uniformed guard.
  • What 3 districts did the Baudelaires walk through before they found Mr. Poe? a. The meat district / the medical district / the flower district. b. The meat district / the flower district / the sculpture district.
    Answer: B
  • How did the children feel after they had cried all night long?
    They felt as if a weight were off their shoulder.
  • What did the Baudelaires decide to do while chopping the wood?
    They decided to visit Mr. Poe.
  • What would Violet have if their parents' fortune could be used now?
    A large inventing studio.
  • Which of the banks did Mr. Poe work for? a. Trustworthy Bank b. Faithful Savings and Loan c. Mulctuary Money Management.
    Answer: C.
  • LITERALLY or FIGURATIVELY. Which of the two words means "it actually happens"?
  • Who would have lots of things to bite if their parents' fortune could be used now?
  • What are the reasons why the Baudelaires should be taken from Count Olaf? (Name at least 3)
    He's a madman / He struck Klaus / He gave them only one bed / He makes them do chores / He drinks too much wine / He calls them orphans / He has awful friends.
  • Why did the kids visit Justice Strauss on their way home?
    To borrow books.
  • What was the chore Count Olaf wanted them to do?
    They had to chop firewood.
  • Why did the kids stop at the Fountain of Victorious Finance?
    They took a refreshing sip of water.
  • What does PREDICAMENT mean?
    A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
  • How many telephones were there on Mr's Poe's desk?
  • If you are figuratively jumping for joy does it mean you are really jumping?
    No. You could jump beacuse you are so happy, but you aren't jumping.
  • Why was Klaus afraid of meeting Mr. Poe?
    Because he was afraid of getting more bad news.
  • How many districts did the Baudelaires walk before they found Mr. Poe?