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  • EXTRA CHALLENGE: get an object near you and describe it with 3 adjectives.
  • EXTRA CHALLENGE: say 3 GOOD adjectives and 3 BAD adjectives
    Good: beautiful, intelligent, talented. Bad: ugly, annoying.
  • Describe him in 3 adjectives.
    Singer, beautiful, ugly, talented, tall, short, black
  • Describe this bedroom with 3 adjectives you know (can be colors).
    Can be: beautiful, ugly, white, black, neat, messy.
  • Find 5 adjectives in the puzzle.
    Short, ugly, dumb, impatient, small, hard, thin, slow, wide, cheap, dirty, humble, quite, light, shy.
  • Describe this object using adjectives + this/that/these/those correctly.
    This computer is ....
  • Describe 2 things in this picture. Ex: those walls are beige.
    Those books are green / that t-shirt is pink / that watch is blue
  • Organize the words and say which ones are adjectives: students / cool / my / funny / very / and / are / funny
    My students are very cool, funny and intelligent.
  • Find the adjectives: Justin Bieber is a singer. I don't like him. I think he is annoying (chato). He is not ugly, but he is not beautiful too.
    Singer, annoying, ugly, beautiful.
  • Describe them in 3 adjectives.
  • EXTRA CHALLENGE: choose someone of your group and describe them with 3 adjectives.
  • Describe 2 countries with 2 adjectives each.
  • Describe the room you are in and objects in it. You must use the adjectives: black, big, small, fancy.
  • Unscramble and find the adjectives: ULFAEBUTI, THRSO
    Beautiful, short
  • Which one of these are adjectives? He / beautiful / very / tall
    beautiful, tall
  • Find the adjectives in the text: Fernanda is my student. She is really beautiful, intelligent and likes to study! She loves Kpop and is quiet.
    Student, beautiful, intelligent, quiet.
  • Describe this object using adjectives + this/that/these/those correctly.
    These binders are ....