
Passive voice - grade 8 (gateway b1+)

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  • You mustn't waste your money on stupid things.
    Your money mustn't be wasted on stupid things.
  • A guide will take you to your seat.
    You will be taken to your seat by a guide.
  • The wind damaged four windows
    Four windows were damaged by the wind
  • They are painting the kitchen right now for us -> We ....
    We are having our kitchen painted right now
  • Tourists don't visit this museum very often.
    This museum isn't visited very often.
  • We can't identify the writer of the poem
    The writer of the poem can't be identified.
  • A gardener is watering the flowers.
    The flowers are being watered by a gardener.
  • You shouldn't send your children to a boarding school.
    Your children shouldn't be sent to a boarding school.
  • Have they sent the package yet?
    Has the package been sent yet?
  • The new manager has made some changes.
    Some changes have been made by the new manager.
  • A computer specialist rescued my files -> I ....
    I had my files rescued
  • They won't take a decision until next meeting.
    A decision won't be taken until next meeting.
  • He won’t fix the car by himself. -> He
    He will have his car fixed at a garage
  • They clean the windows every week.
    The windows are cleaned every week.
  • Oscar Wilde wrote "The Picture of Dorian Gray" in 1890.
    "The Picture of Dorian Gray" was written in 1890 by Oscar Wilde.
  • Police officers were examining the evidence.
    The evidence was being examined by police officers.
  • She doesn't do her own hair -> She ...
    She has her hair done at the hairdressers
  • Where did they invent gun powder?
    Where was gun powder invented?
  • Her parents pay her mobile phone bills -> She ....
    She has her mobile phone bills payed