
Newton's Laws Examples

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  • The law of Inertia
    Newton's First Law
  • A teacher sitting in her rolling chair pushes against the wall and moves in the opposite direction.
    Newton's Third Law
  • Earth orbiting the Sun
    Newton's First Law
  • A train stops suddenly at the train station, and everyone in the cars continues moving forward.
    Newton's First Law
  • F = M x A
    Newton's Second Law
  • A semi-truck and a small car are traveling at the same speed. They each hit the brakes at the same time, but the truck takes much longer to slow down.
    Newton's Second Law
  • A magician quickly pulls a tablecloth out from under a set of dishes. The dishes remain in the same spot.
    Newton's First Law
  • A picture hanging on the wall does not move
    Newton's First Law
  • The law of accleration
    Newton's Second Law
  • A rollercoaster takes off quickly, and everyone’s head is thrown backwards towards the headrest.
    Newton's First Law
  • A speed skater that goes faster around the track as they push harder with their legs
    Newton's Second Law
  • When you paddle a canoe your oar goes backward but you go forward
    Newton's Third Law
  • A shotgun is fired, and the “kick” of the gun injures a person’s shoulder.
    Newton's Third Law
  • A model rocket flies upwards as the engine combusts and creates a force towards the Earth.
    Newton's Third Law
  • The law of Action/Reaction
    Newton's Third Law
  • If a bowling ball and a basketball are rolled with the same amount of force, the basketball will accelerate faster.
    Newton's Second Law
  • A soccer ball accelerates faster than a bowling ball when the same amount of force is applied
    Newton's Second Law
  • A satellite orbiting the Earth
    Newton's First Law