
End-of-Quarter Review

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  • Fix this sentence: I like shopping either.
    I like shopping, too. OR I like shopping as well. OR I also like shopping.
  • Fix these sentences: krista has three children named ben julia and will they love the seattle Sounders
    Krista has three children named Ben, Julia, and Will. They love the Seattle Sounders.
  • Name 5 adverbs of frequency.
    Answers may vary (always, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, never, etc.)
  • Fix this question: Where they want travel during spring break?
    Where do they want to travel during spring break?
  • Sentence or Fragment: Mac back to South Korea after this quarter.
    Fragment (no verb) --Mac will go back to South Korea after this quarter.
  • Fix this sentence: our project i-dea class meet on tuesdays and thursdays.
    Our Project I-DEA class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Fix this sentence: dr. Martin luther king jr.'s birthday was celebrated on monday january 17.
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday was celebrated on Monday, January 17.
  • What does I-DEA stand for?
    Integrated Digital English Acceleration
  • What are two ways to say this time? 4:45
    A quarter till five, a quarter to five, four forty-five
  • Fix this sentence: Rebecca was study at the university of washington.
    Rebecca studied at the University of Washington.
  • What are the three parts of a paragraph?
    topic sentence, supporting sentences, and conclusion sentence OR introduction, body, conclusion
  • Fix this question: You enjoy go to the park?
    Do you enjoy going to the park?
  • What are two ways to say this time? 6:10
    Ten after six, ten past six, six ten
  • Fix this question: was neenas birthday in january
    Was Neena's birthday in January?
  • Fix this sentence: Krista and Rebecca loves teach at Bellevue college.
    Krista and Rebecca love to teach at Bellevue College.
  • What are the six Holland Personality Types?
    social, artistic, investigative, conventional, realistic, and enterprising
  • Sentence or Fragment: Because I have awesome classmates.
    Fragment (incomplete idea) -- I will miss this class because I have awesome classmates.