
Era of Good Feelings- Vocab

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  • What was the Transcontinental Treaty of 1819?
    USA and Spain made a deal; USA would not move further west, but in return they got Florida
  • What document gave the United States Freedom?
    Declaration of Independence
  • What does diverse mean?
  • Who was the army general that won Battle of New Orleans for the US in the War of 1812?
    Andrew Jackson
  • What was the Cumberland road?
    first federal highway
  • Who was president after James Monroe?
    John Quincy Adams
  • What document officially ended the war of 1812?
    Treaty of Ghent
  • What does unity mean?
  • What was United States' first attempt at government?
    Articles of Confederation
  • Who wrote the national anthem of theUnited States?
    Francis Scott Key
  • Who was president during the Era of Good Feelings?
    James Monroe
  • What document officially ended the Revolutionary War?
    Treaty of Paris
  • What replaced the Articles of Confederation?
    The Constitution
  • What was the Missouri Compromise?
    line drawn under Missouri dividing slave and free states
  • What was the Monroe Doctrine?
    Monroe made a law saying that US would not help in any other country’s war
  • What was the nickname of the Election in 1824?
    the corrupt bargain