
Empower B1+ Summer Exam Review

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  • It's all the butter and milk in the sauce that makes it taste so CRUNCHY / CREAMY / SOUR
    It's all the butter and milk in the sauce that makes it taste so CREAMY
  • Change to reported speech: "Laura is coming to stay with me next week" said Angela Angela said that ...
    Angela said that Laura was coming to stay with her the following week
  • This textbook is really good _________ for money, I'm going to buy it
    This textbook is really good VALUE for money, I'm going to buy it
  • ___________ (read) a book is a great way to relax before ___________(go) to bed
    READING a book is a great way to relax before GOING to bed
  • Lisa said she was going to study business the following year. ‘Next year, ……………………………………….. to study business,’ said Lisa.
  • I put things I don't need in the a______ of my house.
  • I'd love to buy the new iPhone but I can't _________ it, I don't have the money
    I'd love to buy the new iPhone but I can't AFFORD it, I don't have the money
  • News of what happened to George Lloyd ___________ very quickly across social media and the international news
    News of what happened to George Lloyd SPREAD very quickly across social media and the international news
  • It’s possible that I will move to the city next year. I ……………………………………….. move to the city next year.
  • There isn't _____ time to have a coffee before the movie
    There isn't ENOUGH time to have a coffee before the movie
  • ‘No, I won’t lend you my newspaper!’ Andy said to his sister. Andy refused……………………………………….. his newspaper to his sister.
  • I’m certain that flat is too small for all their family. That flat ……………………………………….. be big enough for all their family.
  • My teacher asked me: ‘How often do you look at news websites?’ My teacher asked me how often ……………………………………….. at news websites.
  • Change to reported speech: "I've had enough, I'm going home" He said...
    He said (that) he had had enough and (that) he was going home
  • There's a _______ __________ programme on TV about the presidential elections
    There's a CURRENT AFFAIRS programme on TV about the presidential elections
  • She _____ be from Ireland, I've just heard her speak with a strong American accent
    She CAN'T be from Ireland
  • People here drive much more slowly than I expected. People here don’t drive nearly ……………………………………….. I expected.
  • Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first: 1. Messi is the best footballer in the world 2. Messi is __________________ than all the other footballers
    Messi is BETTER than all the other footballers
  • This dress isn't the right size for me, I'm going to take it back to Zara and get a _______
    This dress isn't the right size for me, I'm going to take it back to Zara and get a REFUND
  • I don't mind ________ (study), I like learning new things
    I don't mind STUDYING, I like learning new things
  • Don't go into that room!! She w_________ him not GOING/ TO GO into the room
    She WARNED him not TO GO into the room
  • Are there many shops near your house? Are there a……………………………………….. shops near your house?
    LOT OF
  • The j __________ wrote a fantastic a__________ for El País, it was so interesting
    The JOURNALIST wrote a fantastic ARTICLE for El País, it was so interesting
  • Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first: 1. I think the answer is 100, but I'm not sure 2. The answer ____________ be 100
    The answer MIGHT/MAY/COULD be 100
  • I’m sure the flat gets a lot of sunlight through all these windows. The flat ……………………………………….. get a lot of sunlight though all these windows.
  • Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first: 1. Colin and I are equally smart 2. Colin is ______________ as I am
    Colin is AS SMART as I am
  • Children in my country start school later than children in other countries. Children in other countries start school ……………………………………….. than children in my country.
  • They a________ to their teacher BECAUSE/FOR/TO not doing their homework
    They APOLOGISED to their teacher FOR not doing their homework
  • I always forget the name of that journalist! I keep ……………………………………….. the name of that journalist!
  • I c ___________ to the receptionist FOR / ABOUT / TO the bad service
    I COMPLAINED to the receptionist ABOUT the bad service
  • It’s a good idea to learn the language of the country. You ……………………………………….. learn the language of the country.
  • Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first: 1. I love Plaza Mayor at Christmas but it's too crowded with people. 2. I love Plaza Mayor at Christmas but there are too _________ people
    I love Plaza Mayor at Christmas but there are too MANY people
  • I think she’s cleaning her windows, but I’m not sure. She ……………………………………….. cleaning her windows.
  • Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first: 1. The couch is too small for us to sit on 2. The couch isn't big _______ for us to sit on
    The couch isn't big ENOUGH for us to sit on
  • It's great that now we are in Phase 1 of lockdown we can eat ______ at terraces again
    It's great that now we are in Phase 1 of lockdown we can eat OUT at terraces again
  • I don't have to climb any stairs in my apartment building because I live on the _______ floor
    I don't have to climb any stairs in my apartment building because I live on the GROUND floor
  • In the past, in many countries women weren’t allowed to drive. in the past, in many countries, women ……………………………………….. drive.
  • I like this house, but the kitchen is really small. I like this house, but there’s very ……………………………………….. space in the kitchen.
  • You can’t travel to most other countries without a passport. You ……………………………………….. to have a passport to travel to most other countries.
  • M _ _ all the ingredients together in a bowl
  • Some people are good at adapting to new cultures and others are not. Some people ……………………………………….. others at adapting to new cultures.
  • There a lot of people in our neighbour's garden and I see a cake and lots of balloons - they ________ be having a party
    they MUST be having a party
  • ‘You have given me some very useful information,’ he said to her. He said that she……………………………………….. some very useful information.
  • How often do you p_________ c___________ on Facebook?
    How often do you POST COMMENTS on Facebook?