
My room 2

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  • Have you got a photo?
    Yes. I've got a photo. It's on the table.
  • Have you got a desk?
    Yes, I've got a desk. It's pink.
  • Have you got a table?
    Yes, I've got a table. It's pink.
  • Have you got a computer?
    Yes. I've got a computer. It's on the table.
  • Have you got a lamp?
    Yes, I've got a lamp. It's green.
  • Have you got a computer?
    Yes, I have got a computer. It's on the table.
  • Have you got a lamp?
    Yes, I've got a lamp. It's black.
  • Have you got a chair?
    Yes, I've got a chair. It's yellow.
  • Have you got a table?
    Yes, I've got a table. It's yellow and brown.
  • Have you got a photo?
    Yes, I've got a photo. It's on the table.
  • Have you got a photo?
    Yes, I've got a photo. It's on the wall.
  • Have you got a TV?
    Yes, I've got a TV. It's on the table.
  • Have you got a bed?
    Yes, I've got a bed. It's red.
  • Have you got a bed?
    Yes, I've got a bed. It's yellow.
  • Have you got a TV?
    Yes, I've got a TV. It's big.
  • Have you got a table?
    Yes, I've got a table. It's yellow.
  • Have you got a chair?
    Yes, I've got a chair. It's pink.
  • Have you got a toy box?
    Yes, I've got a toy box. It's blue.
  • Have you got a chair?
    Yes, I've got a chair. It's blue.
  • Have you got a shelf?
    Yes. I've got a shelf. It's brown.