
comparatives and superlatives!

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  • What is _______________ (funny) person you know?
    the funniest
  • I think that PE is ____ __________ than History (informative)
    less informative
  • He looks _____ than his brother. (tall)
  • Correct the mistake: She looks more stronger than that sportsman
    She looks stronger than that sportsman
  • Он недостаточно взрослый, чтобы смотреть ужастики
    He isn’t old enough to watch horrow movies
  • Он слишком ленив, чтобы сделать это
    He is too lazy to do it
  • Играть в футбол интересней, чем смотреть его
    Playing football is more interesting than watching it
  • Correct the mistake: It’s the worse day I’ve ever had
    It’s the worst day I’ve ever had
  • Correct the mistake: She was the frightenest person who was watching the movie
    She was the most frightened person who was watching the movie
  • Films are _____ than game shows. (long)
  • Correct the mistake: My room is more bigger than yours
    My room is bigger than yours
  • Reality shows are ______ than chat shows. (bad)
  • Он выглядит печальней, чем вчера
    He looks sadder than yesterday
  • The Volga is _______ river in Europe. (long)
    the longest
  • He is usually _______ than now. (serious)
    more serious
  • Рекламы могу быть лучше, чем программы
    Adverts can be better than the programmes
  • Многие люди говорят, что у них нет достаточно свободного времени
    People say that they don’t have enought free time
  • Некоторые сериалы медленнее, чем Санта Барбара
    Some series are slower than Santa Barbara
  • Их программа такая же хорошая, как и наша программа
    Their programme is as good as our programme
  • What is _______________ (difficult) part of the exercise?
    the most difficult