
Inventions and Inventors

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  • This machine allows people to transfer money or withdraw using a special card. One of its inventors is Vietnamese.
    ATM (automated teller machine)
  • Tim Berners-Lee had a vision of a global hyperlinked information system. It became a reality in the late-1980's and 90's, linking the entire World.
    The Internet (World Wide Web)
  • Sholes and Glidden invented the first commercially successful ____________ in 1878.
  • Who was the first to aim a telescope to the sky?
    Galileo Galilei
  • This invention allowed early humans to cook food, stay warm, and keep away wild animals. What was it?
  • Who invented the mobile phone?
    Martin Cooper.
  • Who invented the first engine-powered glider?
    Wright Brothers
  • This invention in 1439 allowed for books and newspapers to be easily made. What is it?
    Printing press
  • What is this invention?
  • The Solar System was discovered by?
  • The name of the inventor of Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
  • Who invented Air Conditioning?
    Willis Carrier in 1902.
  • Who invented papers?
    Cai Lun ( or Ts'ai Lun) in AD 105