
National Geographic Trivia

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  • What kind of animal was Charlotte, best friend to Wilbur the pig in Charlotte's Web? mouse, cat, cow, spider
  • How soon after birth can a baby giraffe stand up? 5 min, 30 min, 4 hours, 2 days
    30 min
  • In the Harry Potter series, what is the name of Hagrid's three-headed dog? Beastie, Growler, Fang, Fluffy
  • Which is the number one health issue among dogs? cat bites, obesity, fur balls, chocolate poisoning
  • Which of the following is about the same size as a newborn panda? jelly bean, stick of butter, loaf of bread, skateboard
    stick of butter
  • Which land animal is found in the Arctic? Arctic fox, arctic hare, arctic wolf, all of the above
    all of the above
  • "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too" is from what movie?
    The wizard of Oz
  • A medium size dog that is ten years old is about the same age as someone who is how old? 5, 10, 60, 100 years old
  • True or False? A newborn baby elephant weighs more than most motorcycles.
    false. a baby elephant weighs about 200 lbs. motorcycles weigh around 400-500 lbs
  • What is a female cat called? queen, mare, Catwoman, her majesty
  • What color are most newborn baby mice? pink, white, blue-grey, brown
  • True or False? Some species of seals can hold their breath underwater for over an hour.
    True. Some seals in the Arctic can hold their breath for over an hour
  • What breed of dog is Scooby-Doo?
    Great Dane
  • What do newborn blue whales eat? mother's milk, plankton, smaller whales, seaweed
    their mother's milk
  • In which movie will you find the characters Pongo and Perdita, the pets of Roger and Anita Radcliffe? Cinderella, Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians, Snow White
    101 Dalmations
  • Which of the following happens to penguins once a year? have a baby, lose all their feathers, turn all white, sleep
    lose all their feathers
  • What is a baby camel called? Humpty Dumpty, kid, puppy, calf
  • About how many quills does a porcupine have? 700,1400,10,000, 30,000
  • A sugar glider is a pet most closely related to which animal? bear, squirrel, cat, horse
  • How fast can a woodpecker peck? 20 times a sec, 150 times, 300 times a second, 850 times a second
    20 times a second
  • About how many glasses of milk can the average cow produce in its lifetime? 240, 720, 700,000, 200,000
  • What is Earth's loudest animal? the screech owl, the elephant, the blue whale, the laughing hyena
    the blue whale
  • Which animals's baby is called a Joey? penguin, koala bear, elephant, hamster
    koala bear
  • Why should you not shout "Boo" at pet rabbits? They may bite if startled, They cry easily, Their ears are sensitive, Their mom's wouldn't take it
    They may bite if startled
  • What is another name for a female baby horse? colt, bonny, filly, doe