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  • Does Rapunzel have friends?
    No, she doesn’t
  • Why does the witch steal the baby?
    Because the man stole her magical cabbages
  • Can Rapunzel go out the tower?
    No, he can’t
  • What happens at the end of the story?
    The prince and Rapunzel live happily together
  • Do you like more this story or the cartoon? Why?
    I like more …. Because…
  • Is Rapunzel lonely?
    Yes, she is
  • Does Rapunzel save the prince?
    Yes, she does
  • What does the man find in the snow?
    He finds a gold cabbage
  • Why does Rapunzel have golden hair?
    Because her mother eats a magical gold cabbage
  • Who is the main character?
    The main character is Rapunzel
  • With whom does Rapunzel go out from the tower for the first time?
    She goes out from the tower with the prince.
  • Does Rapunzel have long hair?
    Yes, she has!
  • Do you like the story?
    Yes/no, because…
  • What happens when the witch discovered that Rapunzel disobeyed her?
    The prince and the witch fight and he wins
  • Who is Rapunzel?
    Rapunzel is a princess with long and blond hair
  • Which are the differences with the cartoon of Disney?
    At the end of the Disney cartoon Rapunzel cuts her hair.
  • What does the witch want to do with Rapunzel?
    She wants to sell her golden hair