
A0: Day 1: Can

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  • Can a fish swim?
    Yes it can
  • Make the question
    Can a monkey sleep?
  • Make the question
    Can a giraffe fly?
  • Can a bird sing?
    Yes it can
  • Can you swim?
    Yes I can / No I can't
  • Make the question
    Can a fish dance?
  • Can a crocodile dance?
    No it can't
  • Can a bird clap?
    No it can't
  • Can you ice skate?
    Yes I can/ No I can't
  • Can a fish clap?
    No it can't
  • Can a lion swing in the trees?
    No it can't
  • Can a gorilla climb?
    Yes it can
  • Can a horse climb a tree?
    No it can't
  • Can a bird fly?
    Yes it can
  • Can a monkey climb?
    Yes it can
  • Make the question
    Can a lion swim?
  • What are three things that you CAN'T do?
    I can't ... or ... or ....
  • Can a gorilla fly?
    No it can't
  • Make the question
    Can a frog jump?
  • What are three things that you CAN do?
    I can ... and ... and ....
  • Make the question
    Can a horse eat ice cream?