
Use phrases in sentences

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  • Plenty of fish in the sea
    The solo life is not for everyone, despite there being plenty of fish in the sea.
  • Jumping on the bandwagon
    Having a good camaraderie with your colleagues helps to jump on the team bandwagon when deadlines near.
  • A bee in the bonnet
    Over-achievers always have a bee in their bonnet and rarely relax.
  • Water on a duck's back
    Pleading with the principal to excuse my prank was like pouring water on a ducks back.
  • A needle in a haystack
    Searching for native plant species is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  • Green behind the ears
    I am still green behind the ears when it comes to my computer skills.
  • Water under the bridge
    A standoff with my friend is now water under the bridge.
  • Not my cup of tea
    Following traditions blindly is not my cup of tea.
  • Burning the candle at both ends
    I have my fingers in so many pies, that I often feel like I am burning the candle at both ends.
  • Blue in the face
    Talking to a person who doesn't keep an open mind, will result in you turning blue in the face.
  • A knee jerk reaction
    When a project's deadline is looming, it is our knee jerk reaction to work doubly hard.