
Ultimate Science Challenge

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  • The study of phenomena at very low temperatures is called: a. heat transfer b morphology c. crystallography d. cryogenics
    d. cryogenics
  • What state in the U.S. has the most nuclear power plants? a. New York b. Illinois c. Pennsylvania d. South Carolina
    b. Illinois
  • The study of how people use tools to perform work and how people physically relate to their working environment is called: a. engineering b. ergonomics c. agronomy d. physiology
    b. ergonomics
  • In daylight, the human eye is most sensitive to which color? a. green b. red c. blue d. orange
    a. green
  • Which type of camel has two humps? a. dromedary b. guanaco c. bactrian d. alpaca
    c. bactrian
  • The scarab, worshiped by the Egyptians, is what type of beetle? a. a jewel beetle b. a leaf beetle c. a dung beetle d. a tiger beetle
    c. a dung beetle
  • What element, whose symbol is derived from the Latin for "liquid silver," has been found in Egyptian tombs from 1500 B.C.? a. titanium b. iron c. mercury d. lead
    c. mercury
  • A device used to measure the amount of moisture in the atmosphere is called... a. a hydrometer b. a hygrometer c. an anemometer d. a barometer
    b. a hygrometer
  • If a quiet whisper is 10 decibels, then what is the average pain threshold in decibels for humans? a. 50 decibels b. 80 decibels c.120 decibels d. 200 decibels
    c. 120 decibels
  • The science of weights and measures is called: a. metrology b. meteorology c. mineralogy d. morphology
    a. metrology
  • The first animal launched into orbit was a... a. mouse b. monkey c. chimpanzee d. dog
    d. dog
  • In the U.S., how many gallons of fresh water does each person use per day for personal use on average? a. 10 gallons b. 30 gallons c. 60 gallons d. 90 gallons
    d. 90 gallons
  • The branch of medical science which is concerned with the study of disease as it affects a community of people is called: a. epidemiology b. oncology c. paleontology d. pathology
    a. epidemiology
  • The study of poisons is called: a. oncology b. toxicology c. phrenology d. ergonomics
    b. toxicology
  • The word "atom" is from a Greek word meaning: a. small b. indivisible c. unseen d. visible
    b. indivisible
  • Bees must collect nectar from approximately how many flowers to make 1 pound of honeycomb? a. 10 thousand b. 2 million c. 20 million d. 50 million
    c. 20 million
  • The sun makes up approximately what percent of matter in our solar system? a. 17% b. 50% c. 85% d. 99%
    d. 99%
  • Which prefix is often used with scientific terms to indicate that something is the same, equal, or constant? a. iso b. mega c. meta d. quasi
    a. iso
  • A cloud at ground level is called what? a. rain b. sleet c. fog d. mist
    c. fog
  • About how long does it take for light to travel from the sun to the Earth? a. 9-10 seconds b. 9-10 minutes c. 9-10 days d. 9-10 years
    b. 9-10 minutes
  • What nocturnal animal group makes up 1/4 of all mammal species? a. bats b. owls c. wombats d. firefly
    a. bats
  • What common flavoring comes from the long slender fruit of a climbing orchid? a. cinnamon b. vanilla c. nutmeg d. peppermint
    b. vanilla
  • Occasionally, a bad cold will cause a decrease in a person's hearing ability. What is the name of the tube that becomes blocked to cause this problem? a. esophagus b. occipital tube c. narietal opening d. eustachian tube
    d. eustachian tube
  • What vitamin complex includes thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin? a. vitamin A b. vitamin B c. vitamin C d. vitamin D
    b. vitamin B
  • Which of the following is an important element of stainless steel? a. chromium b. magnesium c. copper d. nickel
    a. chromium
  • What weather phenomenon causes more deaths in the U.S. annually than any other except lightning? a. wildfires b. tornadoes c. hurricanes d. tsunamis
    b. tornadoes
  • Pollination by birds is called... a. autogamy b. ornihophily c. entomophily d. anemophily
    b. ornithophily
  • How many men have walked on the moon? a. 12 b. 10 c. 8 d. 6
    a. 12
  • The Statue of Liberty is green because of... a. green stone b. oxidized brass c. steel painted green d. oxidized copper
    d. oxidized copper
  • At room temperature, most elements are in which phase of matter? a. solid b. liquid c. gas d. plasma
    a. solid
  • Albacore is a type of a. shell-fish b. tuna c. marble d. meteoroid
    b. tuna
  • Which of the following is considered a renewable resource? a. coal fired power plant b. hydroelectric dam c. combustion turbine facility d. nuclear fission power plant
    b. hydroelectric dam
  • Which of the following is made primarily of calcium carbonate? a. fish scales b. shark teeth c. oyster shells d. whale bones
    c. oyster shells
  • If an individual is suffering from emphysema, what organ of the body is primarily affected? a. heart b. skin c. liver d. lungs
    d. lungs
  • The only species of cat that lives and hunts in groups is... a. lions b. leopards c. jaguars d. cougars
    a. lions
  • What is the name for wood whose cells have been replaced with mineral deposits? a. driftwood b. dead wood c. cellulitis d. petrified wood
    d. petrified wood
  • Unlike rodents, the rabbit has how many incisor teeth? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
    c. four
  • Fool's gold is a common name for this mineral: a. halite b. cinnabar c. magnetite d. pyrite
    d. pyrite
  • Which sea is the saltiest natural lake and is also at the lowest elevation on the face of the earth? a. the Black Sea b. the Mediterranean Sea c. the Red Sea d. the Dead Sea
    d. the Dead Sea
  • The fastest-running terrestrial (land) animal is... a. cheetah b. lion c. man z. jaguar
    a. cheetah
  • One of the risks of exposure to high levels of noise is called tinnitus, which means: a. a permanent loss of hearing b. a persistent ringing or hissing in the ears c. a temporary loss of hearing d. abdominal discomfort
    b. a persistent ringing or hissing in the ears
  • One metal dissolved in another is called a. an alloy b. an assay c. a mineral d. a ceramic
    a. an alloy
  • What mammal lays eggs? a. a duck b. a platypus c. a bat d. a turtle
    b. a platypus
  • If an individual is a dendrochronologist, what would they count? a. tree rings b. mammal hairs c. cephalopod tentacles d. insect populations
    a. tree rings
  • Which mammal group gives birth to undeveloped young that are kept in pouches? a. monotremes b. pangolins c. marsupials d. pachyderma
    c. marsupials
  • If a metal can be pulled into wires relatively easily it is called: a. malleable b. ductile c. extractive d. tactile
    b. ductile
  • At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal? a. -65 b. - 40 c. 40 d. 65
    b. -40
  • Used primarily in fertilizers, which element is never found free in nature even though it makes up about 2.5% of the earth's crust? a. potassium b. nitrogen c. phosphorus d. iron
    a. potassium
  • The process by which a substance absorbs moisture upon exposure to the atmosphere is called: a. efflorescence b. deliquescence c. dehydrogenation d. desalination
    b. deliquescence
  • Steel is composed of a number of elements. The two essential elements are iron and... a. aluminum b. carbon c. nickel d. silicon
    b. carbon
  • Plants get their nitrogen from... a. rain b. the soil c. the air d. water
    b. the soil
  • What is the main cause of seasons on the Earth? a. the distance between Earth and the sun b. the tilt of Earth's axis c. the speed the Earth travels around the sun d. changes in the amount of energy coming from the sun
    b. the tilt of Earth's axis
  • As you go down a well, your weight... a. increases slightly b. decreases slightly c. stays exactly the same d. changes drastically
    b. decreases slightly
  • What land mammal holds the record for greatest age? a. hippopotamus b. elephant c. human d. brown bear
    c. human
  • How many time zones are there on Earth? a. 4 b. 8 c. 12 d. 24
    d. 24
  • Saltwater freezes at... a. the same temperature as fresh water b. a slightly higher temperature than fresh water c. a slightly lower temperature than fresh water d. saltwater does not freeze
    c. a slightly lower temperature than fresh water
  • Loss of calcium from bones is called... a. cystic fibrosis b. osteoporosis c. tuberculosis d. endocytosis
    b. osteoporosis
  • How many hearts does an octopus have? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
    c. 3