
Granite Park Grizzly Games

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  • What's the standard protocol if you're attacked by a Grizzly Bear
    If you are attacked by a grizzly bear, leave your pack on and PLAY DEAD. Lay flat on your stomach with your hands clasped behind your neck. Spread your leg
  • What is MESS-EEEE?
    The order in which our students organize their binders school-wide: math - english - science - social studies - elective - elective- elective -elective
  • What is one way that you've incorporated 'academic language' into your classroom this year?
    Interactive words Walls? Academic sentence stems? Language scripts?
  • Last week the world's oldest ____________ died.
    A trapdoor spider, age 43 died peacefully in his home in Australia. Her name was was #16.
  • What is one way you grew professionally this year?
  • Name a way in which the AVID elective class benefits the students in your classes?
    Tutorials, tutorials, tutorials. Among other stuff!
  • How does a student S.L.A.N.T.?
    Sit up, listen, ask pertinent questions, nod their heads, and track the speaker.
  • Name 2 ways students use WICOR at Granite Park besides c-notes and planners
    Writing to learn/writing process strategies, critical reading strategies, assuming 'roles' in collaborative group work, goal setting, etc.
  • Name one of two AVID 'structure for inquiry' strategies.
    Philosophical Chairs and Socratic Seminars
  • Name 5 players on this years incredible Utah Jazz Team
    Donovan Mitchell, Joe Ingles, Rudy Gobert, Derek Favors, Ricky Rubio, etc.
  • Which student in your class(es) do you think showed the most improvement? Why do you think they did so well?
    (Insert inspirational student here)
  • What was the biggest mistake you made this year? How would you avoid making that mistake in the future?
    S'all good. Growth mindset all the way.
  • Name 4 members of this year's AVID site team.
    Paul - Keri - Sherri - Soari - Emily - Kenzie - Joel - Kristina - Juli - Aaron - Megan - Lisa - (honorary member)
  • What is something you tried in your classroom this year for the first time? How'd it go?
    You incorporated something new into your practice? You da real MVP.
  • Give an example of a level 3 question!
    Did it require a student to critique, argue, hypothesize, judge, predict, defend or support their opinion with relevant facts? If so, it's level 3, yo.
  • Specifically, what is our school's mission?
    "Getting students college ready through implementation of AVID strategies!"