
Doctor 3ºprimary school

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  • What's the matter? I feel....
  • What's the matter? I have a ............
    stomach ache
  • What's the matter? I have a ...................
    broken arm
  • You must ......................
    sleep 8 hours a day
  • You must ........................
    you must do sport
  • I am tired. You must ......
    You must sleep/ take a break/ relax.
  • What's the matter? I have .................
  • What's the matter? I have a ............
    sore throat
  • What's the matter? I have a ......
  • What's the matter? I have a ............
    broken leg
  • You must / musn't ................
    you must eat heathy food. / You musn´t eat fast food.
  • What's the matter? I have a ........................
    back pain
  • What's the matter? I have a .............
  • you have an examen tomorrow. You must .....................
    you must study
  • What's the matter? I have a ...................