
Brainy 8 unit 2 revision

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  • parts of a tree: l _ _ f, t _ _ _ k, b_ _ _ _ h, r _ _ t, s _ _ d
    leaf, trunk, branch, root, seed
  • Czy mógłbym zadać ci kilka pytań?
    Could I ask you a few questions?
  • change old-fashioned light ...
  • greehouse gases cause global ...
  • electricity produced by the heat of the sun
    solar power
  • We must ... the environment!
  • Next year, Joe will organise a better festival. (active -> passive)
    Next year, a better festival will be organised by Joe.
  • to change something so that we can use it again
  • The result of global warming is climate ... and increasing ...
    change / sea levels
  • to stop using so much of something
  • to use something again
  • don't leave the TV on ...
  • plants you can use for food: c _ _ _ s, h _ _ _ s, b _ _ _ _ _ s
    crops, herbs, berries
  • a place where rubbish is stored
  • Public transport wasn't used by the visitors. (passive -> active)
    The visitors didn't use public transport.
  • Przepraszam, mógłbyś powtórzyć?
    Sorry, can you say that again?
  • Some big problems were caused by the visitors. (passive -> active)
    The visitors caused some big problems.
  • The visitors left a lot of rubbish. (active -> passive)
    A lot of rubbish was left by the visitors.
  • air ... creates ... gases
    pollution / greenhouse
  • All the rubbish will be sent to landfills by the town council. (passive -> active)
    The town council will send all the rubbish to landfills.
  • Czy wiesz o co mi chodzi?
    Do you know what I mean?
  • Przeprowadzam ankietę o ...
    I'm doing a survey about ...
  • Oczywiście, proszę bardzo / śmiało.
    Sure, go ahead.
  • Nie, zdecydowanie nie!
    No, definitely not!
  • a black liquid which we use to make petrol
  • The festival has produced a lot of greenhouse gases. (active -> passive)
    A lot of greenhouse gases have been produced by the festival.
  • install solar ...
  • Joe organises an eco-festival every year. (active -> passive)
    An eco-friendly festival is oranised by Joe every year.