
Passive Quiz

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  • What is popcorn made from?
    Popcorn is made from corn.
  • When was the piano invented?
    The piano was invented in 1907.
  • What was invented first: the lighter or the matches?
    The lighter was invented before the matches.
  • In what country were mirrors invented?
    Mirrors were invented in Egypt.
  • Where is Hyundai manufactured?
    Hyundai is manufactured in South Korea.
  • How much food is eaten by a person during his life?
    27,000 kg are eaten by a person during his life.
  • How was Pompeii destroyed?
    Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano.
  • How was the Tittanic sunk?
    The Tittanic was sunk by an iceberg.
  • How was San Francisco destroyed in 1906?
    San Francisco was destroyed by earthquake.
  • Where is rice grown?
    Rice is grown in Asia, India and South America.