
Education idioms

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  • Very easy
    easy as an ABC
  • Not to go to school when you should
    play truant, play hooky
  • If something is remembered for a long time
    it stands the test of time
  • Count the number of people
    Count noses
  • To be unable to recall something
    To draw a blank
  • The pen is mighter than the ................(proverb)
  • Open a book and study
    crack a book
  • To be completely different
    different as chalk and cheese
  • The teacher´s favourite student
    teacher´s pet
  • To learn something useful from a previous experince
    To learn a lesson
  • Money spent on the brain is never spent in ........ (proverb)
  • To start thinking in a serious manner
    To put on one´s thinking cap
  • Someone who copies the work of someone else
  • Someone who reads a lot.
  • To acknowldege someone for having tried even if not successfully
    to give someone an A for effort
  • No pains, no ................ (proverb)
  • Repetition is the mother of ...................(proverb)
  • To present a lot of information
    to cover a lot of ground