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  • ______ years ago. She became a queen. (1,000 , 2,000 , 3,000)
  • She married a Roman named _____. (Mark Antony, Julius Caesar)
    Mark Antony
  • What's the name of Cleopatra's brother? (Amenhotep III, Ptolemy XIII, Ramses II)
    Ptolemy XIII
  • What happened to Cleopatra and Antony after they lost the war? (they moved to another country, they died, they got separated, they join the army)
    they died
  • He started a war against Mark Antony and Cleopatra. (Octavian, Ptolemy)
  • Around ____ B.C. Antony and Cleopatra lost the war. (10, 20, 30, 40)
  • Cleopatra was _____ queen who lived around. (a Roman, an Egyptian)
    an Egyptian
  • Together they were very powerful, but their relationship ended when they ____ in 30 b.c. (got divorced, died)
  • The ruler of Rome who used his whole army to help Cleopatra become queen again. (Mark Antony, Julius Caesar)
    Julius Caesar
  • She became a queen when she was ___ years old. (18, 19, 17, 20)