
Chapter 3: Ecosystems

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  • What are Biotic components?
    They are also known as living things.
  • Give an example of a Scavenger.
    A Vulture, Hyena, etc..
  • Give the three different types of consumers and describe them briefly.
    Primary Consumers: they eat producers, Secondary Consumers: they eat primary consumers, Tertiary Consumers: they eat secondary consumers.
  • How do producers make their own food?
    They do it through photosynthesis.
  • What are Decomposers?
    They are organisms that break down plant waste and the remains of living things.
  • What are Floras and Faunas?
    Floras are all the plants while Faunas are all the animals.
  • What do you call organisms that feed on the remains of dead animals?
    They are called Scavengers.
  • What term do we use to call the group of biotic components that are grouped together?
    It is called species.
  • True or False. Interaction is NOT included between the living things and the non-living things.
    False. It is included.
  • Bonus Question: What is the average amount of oxygen does a person breath in one year?
    About 260 kg.
  • Give one example of a producer and the different types of consumers.
    Producer: (any type of plant) Primary: ((herbivores) Secondary: (Carnivores, Omnivores) Tertiary: (All animals except Herbivores)
  • What is a food chain?
    They show us how living things feed on other living things in an ecosystem.
  • What is a community?
    It is made of all the populations that live together in an ecosystem and interact with each other.
  • What is a food web?
    It shows us the complete picture on how living things feed on one another.
  • What is another name for non-living things?
    Abiotic Components
  • Give an example of a Decomposer.
    A Fungi, Mould, etc..
  • Give an example of a food chain.
    (a producer, a primary consumer, a secondary consumer, and a tertiary consumer)
  • What are Consumers?
    They are organisms that cannot make their own food.
  • What is a population?
    It is all the organisms of the same species in an ecosystem.
  • How do you call living organisms that make their own food?
    They are called producers.
  • What are the different factors that affect living things?
    Soil, rocks, water, air, and sunlight.
  • What is the main source of energy in ecosystems?
    It is the sunlight.
  • When can we say that an ecosystem is rich?
    When there is a diversity of floras and faunas in an ecosystem.
  • What is an ecosystem?
    An ecosystem is a community of organisms that live together in a particular habitat.